By Jack Swint WestVirginiaNews@gmail.com
"When Joe Manchin asked me and Tom Booher to help him win Kanawha County Voters during his 2004 campaign for governor, we honestly believed he was going to be the one person who could turn this state around. But, after being elected governor, we quickly saw how Manchin made disappointed fools out of us."
In late1953, General Trudeau presented Corporal Sam Talbert of Charleston WV with the Silver Star for gallantry while in the Army. Talbert is credited as being a hero who fought in one of the deadliest battles in Korea known as "Pork Chop Hill." He does not remember a lot of what happened during the many days of this fierce battle. But according to witnesses, Talbert lead his squad into a strategic enemy held artillery barrage and took back the US Armies position by providing cover fire. Talbert himself is credited with killing over 200 enemy troops.
According to his General Orders on September 29th, 1953. "Talbert reflects great credit on himself and is in keeping with the highest traditions of military service."
Later in life, Sam Talbert and his close friend Tom Booher became heavily involved in politics when they decided to campaign for Charlotte Pritt when she defeated Joe Manchin for Governor in 1996. Calling themselves a "Grass Roots" political campaign group, they intended to get honest politicians in office to make changes in WV government. This was a very worthwhile cause to them. In fact, Talbert has been involved in close personal campaign positions with the Clinton-Gore presidential election and Teamsters Union election of Ron Carey.
Joe Manchin approached both men to work for his election bid after he noticed their determination and constant pressure in support of Charlotte Pritt. Both showed the same aggressive grass roots campaigning for Manchin in 17 counties in the state and they are attributed with being a huge factor in the governors success. In fact, the night of the election win, Joe Manchin put his arm around Sam Talbert, kissed him on the cheek and said, "Sam, I love you, and want you to be apart of my family..... Talbert said he replied "I’m a free agent."
So, what happened after Manchin was elected that has caused Talbert and Booher to regret the very day they became involved with the governor? According to Booher, "He quickly turned his back on the citizens of WV and his true colors came out." Booher went on to say "Joe made promises to provide everything from free prescription meds from Canada for low income seniors to creating roundtable groups for solving problems in state government and clean house." (The governor is reported to have promised to pay for some senior’s medications himself.) Nothing ever became of the long list of promises.
When both men were asked their first inclination that the governor was not who he was portraying himself to be, they answered in unity. "When we learned he had claimed campaign expenses that just were not true." The one incident that haunts Booher and Talbert the most is a $6,800 campaign expense claimed by the governor and then close aid Brian Kastic. "That’s a bold face lie" according to Booher who says Manchins office claimed that a rally in Shawnee Park in 2004 was directly connected to the campaign. "It was hosted by us, the grass roots group to show appreciation for volunteers who had helped with the election."
The governor did appear at the rally as a guest speaker. Talbert says the whole bill for the party may have reached $600 but it was their expense, not Manchin, Kastick or the campaign. Allegations have also arose that checks were made out by the now governor to pay for expenses that were never delivered to the actual recipients even though they were cashed. Talbert says he was one of the people who was to receive $160.00 reimbursement check but never did even though it was cashed. "Someone else must have signed my name and cashed it." Talbert also says that once, Manchin coaxed him into a back room away from others to covertly hand him $300 in cash.
The significance of that check and the $6,800 are not the amounts involved. It’s the fact they were false claims being made to the Secretary of States office and other government agencies as legal campain expenses. And, Manchin intentionally tried to cover it all up. Talbert says he was interviewed in his home by US Attorney Larry Ellis and the FBI after it occurred. He provided copies of documents and his own statement. The last thing the feds told him was he could have to appear in front of a federal grand jury, but that has not materialized to this date.
Tom Booher states that several months after this occurred, Joe Manchin approached him and Dick Miller at another political event and put his arm around Tom and whispered "Tell Sam he has to forget about the $6,800 and Shawnee Hills. Its an OK deal." Booher also said the governor said something to the effect that Brian Kastick had spent the money. That in itself is a violation of state and federal law as "bribery and or corrupt practices"(click on link) as outlined in WV code 61-5A 1 thru 11. (see 61-5A-9)
Talbert has also complained to WV Attorney General Darrell McGraw to no avail. He cites WV code 61-5-28 Failure To Perform Official Duties as the law that requires McGraw to look into the allegations.
"Don’t take me wrong," Talbert says. "I like Joe and Gayle both. He is just a huge disappointment to me as the governor. You cant help but like them because they appear to be very down home and honest people." Booher has his own story of how Joe Manchin told him about growing up as a child and coming home one day from school, walking through the back door of the house and there sat John and Bobby Kennedy along with Pete Thaw. They were sitting at the kitchen table talking to his dad. Manchin said in those days kids came in the back, not the front door.
These two men are not the only people who feel Manchin has betrayed the citizens of WV. Politically connected and everyday residents feel the same. Rodney Loftis, a longtime Kanawha County businessman said he was in the supermarket the other day and a young father and his two little children were buying some bread and sandwich meat. One child was two or three years old and wanted his dad to buy him a candy bar. The father leaned down and told his son that there was nothing better he would like to do then buy his kids some candy but they just could not afford it.
Loftis said he looked and saw the kids parent wasn’t buying beer or anything non-essential so he stepped forward and bought both boys a handful of candy. "How can the governor of this state go out and buy himself a new Harley Davidson for forty thousand plus dollars. Buy into 1/3 ownership in a new yacht with convicted felon and friend Dickie Berbour that is reported to be worth a half a million dollars. A new chalet in Snowshoe, a home down south, and an airplane too. All of these luxuries and toys while his people in this state are starving and going broke?" Not to mention a reported garage full of priceless cars in northern WV that includes a one hundred thousand dollar "excaliber."
In Raleigh and Boone county, politicians and political watchdogs have the same feeling of ill content as the rest of the state. All acknowledge that during the first campaign they felt Joe Manchin was going to be the states savior and turn the poor economics, failing healthcare and poverty levels in a new positive direction. "Boy were we fooled." exclaimed one man in Raleigh County who has been in politics since Joe Manchin was a young kid.
"Its a double cross of the worst kind" says one Glen Danials resident. "if your not in big business or have big bucks for campaign contributions your nothing to Joe." Using the example of the worst case against Massey Energy Company in history where the EPA claims the company violated the Clean Air and Water Act at least 4,500 times between January 2000 and 2006 by "discharging mining waste and sediment, including hazardous metals into streams and waterways." Part of the wastewater violations involved an area known as "Printer" in Boone county where the residents became critically ill from the water.
The potential fines came to 2.4 Billion dollars. But, the governor signed off on the deal allowing a minimal 20 million dollars in fines. "Manchin could have protested and or appealed the decision but its election time and Massey Energy chief Don Blankenship is a strong political machine for the governor. Its the same way he screwed over the state on resolving the tobacco industry lawsuit a few years ago."
Tim Arrington, an activist in Raleigh county points to alleged gross mis-management of funds by the state. Fraudulent acts that show the governor must not have a clue of what is going on in his own government. "Were talking about millions of dollars from Homeland Security funds(click on link) that is being used to buy things like chewing gum."
Has the governor given anything back to the residents of West Virginia?? According to him, yes he has.
The Inaugural Committee account had approximately $500, 000 left in it and the governor claims he used that money to give something back to the people of this state. Spending that amount, and another one million three-hundred thousand dollars to reportedly upgrade and remodel the governors mansion that includes a new state of the art sports bar complete with 12 LCD big screen TV's, gambling tables and special built designer chairs and pool tables in their private quarters. According to sources, Family and friends do not have to worry about paying for their alcohol because the governor receives all of the liquor needed at WV taxpayers expense.
In fact, according to an inside source in Manchins own office, the governors chef prepares a long list of the best liquor money can buy and then drives to the state warehouse where workers just hand over cases of booze for the governor, family and friends at your expense.
Both Joe Manchin and his wife Gayle appear on the surface to enjoy the life they have come to know being governor and first lady. His lifestyle has changed drastically since the days of operating a furniture-carpet business before entering politics. As with other past governors, Manchin is alleged to have his own weaknesses and infidelities. One source asking to remain anonymous is adamant of a long time affair between the governor and Janie Lynn Lilly-Stewart. Witnesses at the Glade Springs Resort concur that both have been seen together and at least holding hands and kissing.
Inside office staff report that the governor is a heavy drinker. He reportedly likes Black Velvet, Crown Royal, Canadian Mist and a taste for fine expensive wine.
Are there any other skeletons lurking in his closet? Yes. Marion county courthouse workers, insurance commission employees and staffers from Manchins days as a state senator claim that in or about 1991, he had become involved in a scandal in Marion county that involved a fraudulent corporation filing for an alleged joint business venture for an equestrian horse park business between Manchin and horse trainer and developer Steve Garvin of West Milford WV. Garvin, owner of Garvin Industry, (click on link) filed a complaint with the prosecutors office that Manchin committed fraud in regards to false filings with the Secretary of State, Workers Compensation Division and for setting up a false account with the WV Department of Employment Security.
In fact, county prosecutors office sources confirmed that then senator Manchin was in fact a target of a state grand jury investigation by then prosecuting attorney Jay Montgomery Brown(click on link) . Manchin was also being investigated by FBI agent Robert Kohler on federal charges relating to the incident. Documents provided show a letter dated on or about September 26, 1991 where then prosecutor Brown raised concerns involving the grand jury investigation and 1991 campaign contributions made to Judge Rodney Maryfield by the Manchin family shortly after the fraud complaint against Joe arose.
In fact, county prosecutors office sources confirmed that then senator Manchin was in fact a target of a state grand jury investigation by then prosecuting attorney Jay Montgomery Brown(click on link) . Manchin was also being investigated by FBI agent Robert Kohler on federal charges relating to the incident. Documents provided show a letter dated on or about September 26, 1991 where then prosecutor Brown raised concerns involving the grand jury investigation and 1991 campaign contributions made to Judge Rodney Maryfield by the Manchin family shortly after the fraud complaint against Joe arose.
It is alleged that Judge Maryfield blocked any attempt to pursue charges against Manchin who was also allowed to make a cash payment to Greg Burton, then director of the WV compensation division to cover the workers compensation policy that Manchin was supposed to have fraudulently set up.
To date, Garvin is still attempting to build the $900 million dollar horse park near the StoneWall Resort but the governor is blocking it.
In closing, Governor Manchin has his sights set on taking over US Senator Robert Byrd's position when Byrd has to retire or dies. Inside staffers at the statehouse swear that Manchin has made the comment in closed-door meetings "Why wont the old son of a bitch just lay down and die."
Bottom line, does the state of WV really want four, or more years of this? Will the Manchin's deny the contents of this story? YES! The same way they denied their daughters WVU degree was legit. And we all know that was a lie.
End Of Story.......
Jack Swint-Publisher
West Virginia News
E-Mail: WestVirginiaNews@gmail.com
Website: http://WVNewsOnline.com
Twitter: @WVNewsOnline
LinkedIn: Jack Swint
From The Archives....
"BrickStreet insurance company has a great interest in WV’s citizens and Employers… It’s from the millions of dollars a year in extra profit they make from just the interest earned on employers premium payments while sitting in BrickStreets bank accounts…"
Statehouse records show that BrickStreet Mutual Company (Click On Link) was formed on March 9th of 2005 which is approx. 45 days after Manchin took office.
Since the first day of operation, BrickStreet has cornered the market as a coercive monopoly business. This action violates both state and federal anti trust laws to allow one company to be the sole provider of workers compensation insurance. State officials actually approved this monopoly for a two-year period using the excuse they needed to work the bugs out of the new privatized insurance industry before allowing other companies to compete.
No matter what the excuse is, they are in direct violation of W.Va. Code 47-18-1 et seq.
Federal statutes under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act in 15 USCA (2)(4) make it a federal crime for any business to monopolize free trade or commerce in the United States. To add insult to injury, the state loaned BrickStreet at least 235 million dollars in startup costs. Officials knew, or should have known, this surplus loan was in support of a monopoly.
Federal statutes under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act in 15 USCA (2)(4) make it a federal crime for any business to monopolize free trade or commerce in the United States. To add insult to injury, the state loaned BrickStreet at least 235 million dollars in startup costs. Officials knew, or should have known, this surplus loan was in support of a monopoly.
As of July 1, 2008 BrickStreet will no longer enjoy carte blanche to the workers compensation market. WV will finally allow other insurance companies to offer their services in direct competition with BrickStreet. The majority of insurance carriers planning to compete say they could be at a huge disadvantage because BrickStreet has enjoyed being the sole insurance provider to 36,000 policyholders. (According to the Secretary of States records, there are 56, 816 Corporations, 27, 572 LLC’s and approximately 1,800 limited type partnerships in WV).
According to the insurance commissioner’s office, at least 136 outside companies have registered their intent to compete with BrickStreet. These are companies that have never done business in WV before. Sources also believe that at least 27 will begin selling their services on July 1, 2008. The remainder will sit back and observe.
The new insurance providers have one thing to offer employers that BrickStreet cannot. A wide array of insurance coverage besides workers compensation policies such as auto, business and life insurance to name a few. And, with substantial discounts for multiple coverage.
Greg Burton, BrickStreets President and CEO states his company will retain at least seventy percent of the total market. Even less then that percent will still be a very lucrative business. According to BrickStreets 2006 financial reports, they earned 185 million dollars in 2007. Which more then doubled from 70 million in 2006.
CEO Burton, who earns approx. $160,000 a year plus incentives (and says he could pay himself more) also boasts there are eight to ten other employees who are in the $200,000 + a year bracket. Most people interviewed say they do not understand how Burton became president of BrickStreet since he was over workers compensation when it was state owned and that system was on the verge of Bankruptcy.
Burton and company have even snubbed their noses at WV as lately as this year when they decided to conduct an annual retreat convention outside of the state instead of financially supporting and utilizing the many resources this state has to offer.
Bottom line…For the past two years BrickStreet has created an atmosphere that promises, "We are open for business, but, closed to the people of WV."
According to inside sources at BrickStreet, there are three things corporate officials don’t want employers and claimants to discover.
1. All of the millions of dollars a year in premiums paid by WV employers and other revenues sits in BrickStreets bank accounts collecting a high rate of interest. Unconfirmed estimates range from seven to ten million dollars annually. Money that reportedly is not declared as company profit.
2. There is an understanding that the longer BrickStreet administrators can find a way to postpone or deny paying a claim to an injured worker, the more profits the company earns. Which means more money sitting in the bank drawing interest. This supports some reports that say BrickStreet looks at each claim as a fraud case first, then as a true injury. Also, by law, claimants who receive any delayed or back payments are entitled to the bank interest earned while their money has been "held hostage."
3. As a company built on the premise that they are "jointly owned" by all WV employers, those business partners could be entitled to share in the interest being accrued from premium payments and investments also. By law, employers should receive a credit or payment on that interest from monies paid as BrickStreets "business partners." This money is above and beyond any profit dividends currently being withheld from policyholders.
According to one attorney who handles workers compensation claims for the injured workers in WV says "It makes me sick to my stomach how the workers compensation system treats people who have been hurt on the job." When asked to pick one positive change that has occurred since the new changes began in 2006, he quickly replied "I’m trying to think of something, but I see nothing positive." According to sources, workers comp claim denials are up, but actual claims being reported are down.
Administrators are said to evaluate each case and pre-determine an approximate payout the injury may eventually cost the company. That amount is earmarked and the longer it is prolonged, the better for BrickStreet. So, if a claimant’s case goes all the way to the Supreme Court, it could take two to three years for BrickStreet to ever pay up. While all along your money is sitting in their bank drawing interest to offset their losses.
Another staggering statistic is that workers comp appeals take up approximately 37% of the Supreme Courts calendar each year. And the majority are either denied and or refused. Estimates are as high as 3,200 appeals that have been filed against workers compensation over the years.
One former claims administrator admitted that some injured workers are bounced around from doctor to doctor if her superiors were not happy with a physician’s injury findings and reports. In fact, she alleges doctors names were taken off the approved list if that doctor appears to be "pro-patient" or to slow in releasing a claimant back to work before that person is actually ready. BrickStreets return to work experts appear to know more then trained doctors about patients needs.
Another attorney interviewed describes both the physical and financial disasters that a lot of their claimants are subjected to after being injured on the job. "When a person is injured due to their employment, they should be able to expect proper medical care and to be adequately paid for any lost wages and a final settlement of compensation for any partial or total permanent disability due from their injury.
Yes, one of the major concepts of a workers compensation program provides a company protection from being sued by that employee because they were injured on the job.
But, where does it state that someone who is injured or disabled has to be denied proper medical treatment, lose his or her dignity, life savings, home, car, and in some cases have to file bankruptcy or even thrown out on the street and lose everything? All just to protect employers and allow a company like BrickStreet to post enormous profits each year."
And it doesn’t stop there. While waiting for claims to begin paying through normal channels and or the appeals process, most claimants interviewed say they have to turn to their relatives, friends and community outreach programs for financial assistance just to survive. This places an undue burden on those individuals who help claimants. There is a trickle down effect that no one wants to admit exists.
In fact, no one wants to even address the truth that this workers compensation process is not working adequately at all. The only people seeing any financial success is BrickStreet and anyone else connected to the system. It’s a win win combination for everyone except those WV citizens who are injured.
BrickStreet failed to even effectively handle the active workers compensation cases on injured workers before the new private system took over in 2006.
The insurance commissioner received hundreds of daily complaints from those claimants alleging gross mismanagement by the company BrickStreet used as a third party. It became so intense that the state re-assumed handling those former claims even though they had to outsource and contract three private companies just to manage them because most of the commissioner’s staff was either transferred over to BrickStreet, to another state office or let go.
Records show that claimants have been denied benefits even though doctors and employers state in writing and under oath that the injury sustained could only be work related. The system is so one sided that some claimants cases were stalled in order to allow new rules and legislation to become enacted that immediately cut back benefits that injured workers would receive.
According to one WV native, BrickStreet is just "another failed experiment in the economic disaster called West Virginia."
So, how did this mess all reportedly start?
According to one senior state official, Joe Manchin made a deal with the devil in order to help ensure he became WV’s Governor. Manchin allegedly gave his word that if elected, he would privatize the state run workers compensation division and open the door for his strongest group of political supporters to take it over. Everyone involved in that deal would make a fortune at the expense of injured workers and their families if Manchin kept to his covenant.
The Governor did keep his promise and instrumentally dissolved workers compensation from the state in record time. Which subsequently led to the creation of BrickStreet Mutual Insurance Company.
End of Story….
Casinos House Of Cards May Be Crashing Down
By Sam Webber & Jack Swint PWDGroup@gmail.com
“As I have stated all along, we are not actively seeking out a buyer….. But, with that being said, we would entertain negotiating a possible sale with your group of investors.”……. Danny Adkins, VP of Hartman & Tyner,
This is a segment from the July 16th, 2008 tape recorded telephone conversation of Adkins talking with a representative of several investors interested in purchasing the Tri-State casino.
Danny Adkins, VP for Hartman & Tyner and owner of the Tri-State Casino and greyhound race track has been misleading the citizens, city, county and state officials as to the true intent of the company. The facility is for sale even though Adkins keeps using the media to say it is not. "Danny is intentionally stalling in an effort to sell. Why start construction on a hotel and spend all of that money if you're trying to sell?"
One former executive who worked closely with the corporate levels at Hartman & Tyner explained why the casino-racetrack has not been sold yet. “Danny wants too much money; he is trying to bargain with the table game and hotel license as though they were already in operation.”
Going on to say that” Danny Adkins schmoozing days with everyone is about to come to an end.” The daily operation of the casino is about to implode due to the poor morale of employees, reckless bookkeeping, theft, revolving door of executives and total miss management. He wants to sell before the public finds out just how bad it is.
Chris Brewer, former GM at the casino says that Danny Adkins has been deceitful ever since they took over the facility. Brewer, who began at the track when it first opened, worked her way up from selling programs to co-general manager with Kathy Brackbill, who also is no longer there.
According to Brewer, and another former Hartman & Tyner manager asking not to be identified due to pending civil litigation, agreed that the only part of the operation which is accurate and safeguarded is the lottery commissions daily debiting of their monies from the casino slots. "The lottery commission controls the slots. Everything from turning them on & off, setting payoff percentages and knowing exactly how much the machines take in and payout. Down to the exact penny!"
Excel spreadsheets obtained from the WV lottery commission do not match up to what the casino is reporting on their company reports we obtained.
Links to these spreadsheets are posted below. Just download the “Zip File” Excel version”
According to sources, the lottery automatically debits the casino’s bank account the total amount of money that the computers show the slots take in each day. Several days later, the lottery re-deposits the casino's percentages after the state takes it share and other payouts are calculated.
At the same time, the casino money room removes and counts all cash every night from the machines. They allegedly handwrite it onto forms, and then someone else enters it onto computer & spreadsheet reports. Those are then sent to Danny Adkins and other appropriate company departments.
"If the lottery records show the machines took in $1,000 that’s what is automatically debit from the casino bank account. If the daily cash record the casino performs only shows $900, the casino has to eat the loss."
Is it unusual for discrepancies? "It has always been that way, and I’m told still is as recent as a couple months ago." according to Brewer who had direct access to the money room. "The money room has carried ongoing discrepancies as high as $100,000 before. There is no reconciliation process between what the lottery commission records show against the casinos money count. The lottery people don’t care; they get their money either way. "
Both sources said that on any given day you could take an auditor down to the money room and conduct a spot audit and it would never match up to what was reported.
They also concur that there were instructions by Adkins that anytime there was larger then average amounts of money on hand in the bank, they were to wire transfer those funds directly to Hartman & Tyner’s bank accounts in Michigan. Brewer said she was told, “Danny said that the money was being used to keep the Florida casino afloat.”
Being a privately owned company, Hartman & Tyner can do as they please with their profits since they have no shareholders or board members to answer to. Unless they would be wire transferring money for illegal purposes, there is no law against it.
According to both former managers; except for the bank records of the wire transfers, there were no other records kept of that money being sent to corporate.
Over recent months, several Hartman Tyner employees have been arrested for embezzlement and money fraud crimes. The latest allegedly being 4.3 million dollars. According to media accounts, Hanan Dallo, 41, was arraigned on the embezzlement charge that she wrote work orders for services that were never done at several metro-Detroit apartment complexes.
Brewer states that the same types of practice were being done at the Nitro Track and at Danny Adkins direction.
When asked for one example of her claim against Adkins, she recalled how $20,000 dollars was spent on a haunted house exhibit for Tri-State that Adkins oversaw. It never arrived even though the invoice was paid from Tr-States bank account. Other questionable invoices and checks include purchases of new vehicles for prize drawings.
These vehicles were bought from local dealerships at full price. “No one, especially when purchasing a vehicle straight out, pays full sticker price.” Brewer admits that even though she felt someone was receiving kick-backs, there was never any proof of it. “At the least, it was very poor negotiating and money management decisions.”
At one point, Brewer stated that invoices became so questionable, that she notified Danny Adkins that he would need to start signing the payables and checks first. Then she would since two signatures were needed on some purchases.
Both sources for this story claim that employee morale has been at an all time low for the past 4-5 years. And now, with the no human resource director, there is no one for them to go to.
Other key positions open include the marketing director position and the recent loss of their long term chief financial officer, Angela McCoy, adds to the crippling effect the casino-track is feeling.
Brewer stated that there was also a work environment drug problem with some employees while she was employed. And that there still is today. “If they ever gave a random drug test, they would lose a lot of people.”
As for the construction of the hotel and reported ongoing table game construction. The hotel is on hold, and according to new sources, there are plans to install used poker tables from the Florida casino’s poker rooms to get the games underway in late August.
And, the stand in architectural firm from Florida that Adkins referred to, ARC Avenue Inc that is assisting construction efforts out at the casino is not licensed to do business in the state of WV according to the Secretary of States Office as of yet.
This author spoke to numerous visitors at the racetrack who came to watch the greyhound racing. Some complaints were made about the construction and how viewing the racing was partially blocked by a partition inside of the restaurant.
All agreed that the outside seating was poorly protected from the weather elements and that trying to watch the dogs race outside was all but unbearable from the heat and humidity.
One lady summed up feelings for the others. “It appears that the track personnel want people to watch from inside on the TV monitors upstairs or on simulcast big screens instead of actually watching the races in person. Not everyone can afford to sit in the restaurant and eat just to get a good view of the actual dogs running.”
Bottom Line, is Danny Adkins aware of the problems???
The Mardi-Gras casino and greyhound track is for sale for the right price, according to Adkins.….. But, in its current condition, would anyone really want to purchase it?
Information for this story was corroborated by former and current employees at the casino. All documents were provided by the lottery commission and or casino personnel.
End Of Story…………….
Sam Webber & Jack SwintPWDGroup@gmail.com
“As I have stated all along, we are not actively seeking out a buyer….. But, with that being said, we would entertain negotiating a possible sale with your group of investors.”……. Danny Adkins, VP of Hartman & Tyner,
This is a segment from the July 16th, 2008 tape recorded telephone conversation of Adkins talking with a representative of several investors interested in purchasing the Tri-State casino.
Danny Adkins, VP for Hartman & Tyner and owner of the Tri-State Casino and greyhound race track has been misleading the citizens, city, county and state officials as to the true intent of the company. The facility is for sale even though Adkins keeps using the media to say it is not. "Danny is intentionally stalling in an effort to sell. Why start construction on a hotel and spend all of that money if you're trying to sell?"
One former executive who worked closely with the corporate levels at Hartman & Tyner explained why the casino-racetrack has not been sold yet. “Danny wants too much money; he is trying to bargain with the table game and hotel license as though they were already in operation.”
Going on to say that” Danny Adkins schmoozing days with everyone is about to come to an end.” The daily operation of the casino is about to implode due to the poor morale of employees, reckless bookkeeping, theft, revolving door of executives and total miss management. He wants to sell before the public finds out just how bad it is.
Chris Brewer, former GM at the casino says that Danny Adkins has been deceitful ever since they took over the facility. Brewer, who began at the track when it first opened, worked her way up from selling programs to co-general manager with Kathy Brackbill, who also is no longer there.
According to Brewer, and another former Hartman & Tyner manager asking not to be identified due to pending civil litigation, agreed that the only part of the operation which is accurate and safeguarded is the lottery commissions daily debiting of their monies from the casino slots. "The lottery commission controls the slots. Everything from turning them on & off, setting payoff percentages and knowing exactly how much the machines take in and payout. Down to the exact penny!"
Excel spreadsheets obtained from the WV lottery commission do not match up to what the casino is reporting on their company reports we obtained.
Links to these spreadsheets are posted below. Just download the “Zip File” Excel version”
According to sources, the lottery automatically debits the casino’s bank account the total amount of money that the computers show the slots take in each day. Several days later, the lottery re-deposits the casino's percentages after the state takes it share and other payouts are calculated.
At the same time, the casino money room removes and counts all cash every night from the machines. They allegedly handwrite it onto forms, and then someone else enters it onto computer & spreadsheet reports. Those are then sent to Danny Adkins and other appropriate company departments.
"If the lottery records show the machines took in $1,000 that’s what is automatically debit from the casino bank account. If the daily cash record the casino performs only shows $900, the casino has to eat the loss."
Is it unusual for discrepancies? "It has always been that way, and I’m told still is as recent as a couple months ago." according to Brewer who had direct access to the money room. "The money room has carried ongoing discrepancies as high as $100,000 before. There is no reconciliation process between what the lottery commission records show against the casinos money count. The lottery people don’t care; they get their money either way. "
Both sources said that on any given day you could take an auditor down to the money room and conduct a spot audit and it would never match up to what was reported.
They also concur that there were instructions by Adkins that anytime there was larger then average amounts of money on hand in the bank, they were to wire transfer those funds directly to Hartman & Tyner’s bank accounts in Michigan. Brewer said she was told, “Danny said that the money was being used to keep the Florida casino afloat.”
Being a privately owned company, Hartman & Tyner can do as they please with their profits since they have no shareholders or board members to answer to. Unless they would be wire transferring money for illegal purposes, there is no law against it.
According to both former managers; except for the bank records of the wire transfers, there were no other records kept of that money being sent to corporate.
Over recent months, several Hartman Tyner employees have been arrested for embezzlement and money fraud crimes. The latest allegedly being 4.3 million dollars. According to media accounts, Hanan Dallo, 41, was arraigned on the embezzlement charge that she wrote work orders for services that were never done at several metro-Detroit apartment complexes.
Brewer states that the same types of practice were being done at the Nitro Track and at Danny Adkins direction.
When asked for one example of her claim against Adkins, she recalled how $20,000 dollars was spent on a haunted house exhibit for Tri-State that Adkins oversaw. It never arrived even though the invoice was paid from Tr-States bank account. Other questionable invoices and checks include purchases of new vehicles for prize drawings.
These vehicles were bought from local dealerships at full price. “No one, especially when purchasing a vehicle straight out, pays full sticker price.” Brewer admits that even though she felt someone was receiving kick-backs, there was never any proof of it. “At the least, it was very poor negotiating and money management decisions.”
At one point, Brewer stated that invoices became so questionable, that she notified Danny Adkins that he would need to start signing the payables and checks first. Then she would since two signatures were needed on some purchases.
Both sources for this story claim that employee morale has been at an all time low for the past 4-5 years. And now, with the no human resource director, there is no one for them to go to.
Other key positions open include the marketing director position and the recent loss of their long term chief financial officer, Angela McCoy, adds to the crippling effect the casino-track is feeling.
Brewer stated that there was also a work environment drug problem with some employees while she was employed. And that there still is today. “If they ever gave a random drug test, they would lose a lot of people.”
As for the construction of the hotel and reported ongoing table game construction. The hotel is on hold, and according to new sources, there are plans to install used poker tables from the Florida casino’s poker rooms to get the games underway in late August.
And, the stand in architectural firm from Florida that Adkins referred to, ARC Avenue Inc that is assisting construction efforts out at the casino is not licensed to do business in the state of WV according to the Secretary of States Office as of yet.
This author spoke to numerous visitors at the racetrack who came to watch the greyhound racing. Some complaints were made about the construction and how viewing the racing was partially blocked by a partition inside of the restaurant.
All agreed that the outside seating was poorly protected from the weather elements and that trying to watch the dogs race outside was all but unbearable from the heat and humidity.
One lady summed up feelings for the others. “It appears that the track personnel want people to watch from inside on the TV monitors upstairs or on simulcast big screens instead of actually watching the races in person. Not everyone can afford to sit in the restaurant and eat just to get a good view of the actual dogs running.”
Bottom Line, is Danny Adkins aware of the problems???
The Mardi-Gras casino and greyhound track is for sale for the right price, according to Adkins.….. But, in its current condition, would anyone really want to purchase it?
Information for this story was corroborated by former and current employees at the casino. All documents were provided by the lottery commission and or casino personnel.
End Of Story…………….
Sam Webber & Jack SwintPWDGroup@gmail.com
will you please re-post the brickstreet article?
Your take on the privatization of the workers compensation system is extremely biased. Manchin did not magically create this 45 days after he became governor. It had been in the works for years, he happened to be governor when it came to pass. It was easy for him to make this campaign promise because it was a shoo in. If you check Senate Bill 1004, you will learn how it really came about. You should run an article about the success of BrickStreet and the positive economic impact it has had on the state, as well as all the community events Brickstreet invests and participates in. I see them quite frequently in places like the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure, Special Olympics, and so on.
BrickStreet does not behave in any disimiliar way than another business trying to make it in the WV state, especially an insurance company. If any insurance company simply paid out a claim without investigation first, it would go bankrupt in no time. It only makes good business sense to look into the matter before paying out potentially thousands of dollars for a claim. After all, West Virginia has the distinction of being known as the 'Sue Happy' state were frivolous lawsuits clog our court systems on a daily basis. There are many who file fake claims as well, I would imagine. I for one am glad BrickStreet is in our state, that they area successful, and I hope they choose to stay. You read every day about failed businesses in West Virginia. Is it bad to be successful?
I have read your article on how foreign companies are buying up US Treasuries...guess what. BrickStreet is owned by WV interests and employ only people in WV.
Oh and I see you have comments moderation turned on. I bet dollars to doughnuts you don't publish this comment exactly the way I wrote it, if you publish it at all.
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