According to one audit report that conducted an inspection of calculations and payouts found, "that the breakage amount on Quinella Double pool was incorrectly calculated." Another yearly audit states "annual test performance of the pari-mutual system at the track to test calculation and payouts in 2004 identified a minor calculation error."
This two-part series on the Tr-State Casino & Dog track will begin with exposing possible illegal and controversial operations for pari-mutual greyhound racing in Nitro West Virginia. Then next Monday, September 8th, 2008 we will detail the gaming centers financial audits dating back to 1999. Both stories raise serious questions and doubts to the credibility of the casino-racetracks ability to maintain their integrity and image.
The proof contained in these company documents obtained from Hartman & Tyner's own auditors is certified to be true and correct to the best of their knowledge. Since at least 2000, Tri-State Casino and Racetrack owners have been intentionally allowing the public to believe that the tracks pari-mutual greyhound racing operation was all being handled right there on the Nitro property.
You would think that odds are calculated at the track, and placing a bet and collecting your potential winnings are calculated by tri-states computer system. Most people watching the results on the monitors and public information board would think everything’s being controlled right onsite. Well, it is not according to the owners certified operation audits. And to add to the problem, what if that out of state system isn’t working correctly?
If that doesn’t catch your attention, this will. These same reports outline computer system malfunctions that miss-calculate the odds and winnings paid to everyone who has placed a pari-mutual bet at their racetracks! Reports that show year after year the same problem continues.
...It is apparent that Danny Adkins and Hartman-Tyner felt confident that since they are a privately owned corporation, this problem would never make it to the public’s knowledge. But, we managed to get copies of the companies financial and operation audits.
...The first operations audit titled "Report On Agreed Upon Procedures" is annually prepared by the accountant firm, Gibbons and Kawash, located in Charleston, WV. These 7 audit reports are clearly marked confidential and for the sole use of Hartman & Tyner. These reports also clearly show that Danny Adkins is hiding how they really operate dog racing in WV.
WV statute 19-23-9 clearly states that a licensee (racetrack owner) "shall permit or conduct the pari-mutual system of wagering within the confines of the licensee's racetrack at which any horse or dog race meeting is conducted or held." That is the law, and what the racing commission and legislators intended, to keep all operations at the Nitro track.
According to Gibbons & Kawash, that IS NOT occurring at Tri-State racetrack. The first sign of Danny Adkins "don't' ask; don't tell" policy becomes apparent in the March 29th, 2001 audit. It clearly states:
..."Effective July 2000, autotote (which is the company who controled the pari-mutual system-program used in betting) made substantial changes to its operation at Tri-State racetrack and gaming center. Most processing is now performed at the autotote HUB located at Hollywood Park, Florida." This hub provides processing services for tracks/facilities located throughout the eastern United States.
"The autotote operation at Tri-State is only responsible for maintaining communication links with the Hollywood hub, enabling teller machines and field board operations, and entering Tri-State race cards and related changes for transmission to the Hollywood Hub…."
"This system consists of a remote site at Tri-State connected directly through communication links to SGR's hub facility in Hollywood, FL."
Written remarks in the December 2006 report states that, "The pari-mutual wagering system of Tri-State Racetrack and Gaming Center is operated by Scientific Games Racing.
...Note: Hollywood Park, Florida is home to another Hartman & Tyner casino-track. Also, Autotote is now called "Scientific Games Inc." As of 2006, they have moved from Hollywood Park, Florida, to Mount Laurel, New Jersey....
What does this all mean? According to Gibbons & Kawash’s reports, when making a bet on a dog race here, that wager is entered at the tri-state track. But, is processed and controlled 900 miles away in Florida.
More quotes taken from their certified report……
“As tickets are issued (tri-state) during the wagering period, pool totals are being calculated through the Hollywood hub. Periodically, the pool totals and odds are printed out and displayed on the public information displays.”
"Various reports are generated by the systems to summarize the end of session activity. After the last race, the Hollywood hub disables wagering for the Tri-State terminals."
"Ticket issuing machines at the teller window record wagers as they are received. This information is then transmitted to the Hollywood hub, which calculates the betting pools, odds, payouts and transmits the information to display on the public information displays throughout the wagering period. When a race is declared official, final information is displayed to the public and printed. Payouts are made by the tellers using the ticket issuing machines."
"When the results of the last race have been declared official, clean up begins at the Hollywood hub. All paid and losing bets are dropped from the system, resulting in zero balances in the computer system accounts, except for unpaid bets. After the last race, the Hollywood hub disables wagering for the Tri-State terminals. Communication devices are taken out of service and end of session processing begins."
If you think that is a serious problem, you may want to sit down. These audit reports exposed more facts that show the depth of just how misleading the track owners have been to the general public, greyhound & kennel owners, the racing commission and anyone who has followed greyhound racing across the country.
According to one report that conducted an inspection of calculations and payouts found, "that the breakage amount on Quinella Double pool was incorrectly calculated." Another yearly audit states "annual test performance of the pari-mutual system at the track to test calculation and payouts in 2004 identified a minor calculation error." One auditor cited that calculations at all tracks/facilities needed to "receive some attention." Year after year these calculation errors have remained.
......The problem is not just a local one, but it does involve the same company Tri-State is contracting to run their pari-mutual betting. It appears to be happening at more tracks owned by Hartman & Tyner and others across the country. As recent as July 2008, someone figured out how to circumvent the system and was able to make bets even after the race was over.
..."We had huge tote problems that day with our system that is over at the data center (in Mount Laurel, N.J.); the tote system is up and down. It's communicating. It's not communicating."
...Are the WV racing commission members and state officials who oversee gambling in this state aware of the problems? It doesn't appear they do, even though WV statute 19-23-10(f) clearly states that each casino-track owner is to annually furnish a true copy of their certified financial and operation audit reports to the racing commission and legislature financial division.
...When we asked for the audits under the Freedom of Information Act, WV racing audit director Joe Cuomo had to actually request them from the casino owners because they were not on file in the racing commission office. So, it is doubtful he could have even been aware of the calculation problems. Or, someone is keeping it quiet.
...Has Danny Adkins possibly misled the racing commission how his operation works? According to Executive Secretary Linda Lacy, it is her understanding that the entire pari-mutuel betting at Tri-State was all onsite as the law states.
The mere concept that anypart of greyhound wagering at tri-state is being controlled from 5 states away opens up the door to staggering fraud possibilities. People at the track interviewed have often wandered why the odds on the monitors and main board change sometimes after the race is final. Can someone at the other end manipulate the system? Its been done before.
In one report auditors discovered that at least one employee from the Hollywood Hub was taking the “backup tapes” from each days races home with him at night... They recomended that stop ASAP.
If you’re a gambling person, odds are you may not be receiving the correct amount of monies due to you from winnings at Tri-States pari-mutual races from at least 2000. Their own certified accountants and auditors attest to this fact. There are still issues being discovered as recently as July 2008.
Then there is the fact that most people have been duped into believing all of the betting transactions our controlled onsite in Nitro, not hundreds of miles away in Florida or New Jersey. According to the audit report, the “HUBS,” not Tri-State, calculate odds; control the actual terminals, monitors and public board at the track.
WV statute 19-23-9 clearly states that a licensee (racetrack owner) “shall permit or conduct the pari-mutual system of wagering within the confines of the licensee’s racetrack at which any horse or dog race meeting is conducted or held.”
End Of Story….. until next week. ......
Corroboration for these stories was obtained from documents under the freedom of information act relating to WV statute 19-23-10(f)..........
Contact Information:
Jack Swint .......
Sign Online Petition To Stop Greyhound Racing In WV
Really Great Story (as usual)
ReplyDeleteAlso,thanks for re-posting the BrickStreet Insurance Company Story. I saws where it is now behind the "Just Your Average Joe" segment.
this was in the making burn them for this
ReplyDeletedanny boy how could you do this ?
ReplyDeleteIncredible. Simple yet so cunning. Criminals are really made although can be born. (like Earl Ray T)
ReplyDeleteUnbelievable. It never ends.
ReplyDeleteJesus. You are good!
ReplyDelete"...2004 identified a minor calculation error". How many millions, total? ......Are you kidding?
ReplyDeleteDanny Boy....you are a rotten guy.
ReplyDeleteThis is the entire problem with crime and criminals. Auditors understated and underestimated their findings and either just blew it off or were apart of the game, period.
ReplyDeleteIf people had been awake and aware of their jobs and of the facts, people like Earl Ray, Danny , D. White, etc., etc., etc., would not get off the ground like rockets. They grew in power and energy through all this stupidity whereas they should have burned and crashed overnight.
West Virginia has to whip itself back into shape if they ever want to be respected and considered a part of the 21st century. Clean your air; clean your land; and for God's sake, clean your government. Your state has real potential and so do you!
It is disgusting that this GREYHOUND RACING "entertainment" continues when most Americans disallow it.
ReplyDeleteWhen more than 3,000 Greyhounds have been documented as dumped and gutted and shot in Alabama because they no longer had what it takes to win, it is no surprise FRAUD is everywhere in this "industry" and anyone involved in it is underhanded, at best!
On Jack Swint's comments, there is a GREYHOUND RESCUER who acknowledges the fact that these sweet Greyhounds are fed 4-d meat, doped and even thrown dead or slaughtered for other Greyhounds to eat, they ,also, becoming infected with all sorts of parasites and cancers.
These beautiful beasts are trashed systematically by brutal , criminals posing as upstanding families in the Greyhound Racing business.(TOMBLIN KENNELS BEING MOST WELL KNOWN FOR THEIR CRIMES)
The witness has stated that few Greyhound racers live beyond their third year. What a cowardly, sickening "business" to associate your name to and pretend it is "acceptable" if not "wonderful".(MIKE GREEN, WEST VIRGINIA: are you listening?)
MANCHIN and TOMBLIN FAMILIES must be held accountable in WEST VIRGINIA.
DANNY ADKINS, only through his stupidity, got caught. Let's do something about these others that portray it as "fine". And wield POWER and GREED to do it!