
According to professional gambler & greyhound breeder Dean Miner, Racing Commissioner and long-time state employee George Sidiropolis (pictured to the left) has positioned himself to demand bribes of up to $50,000 from WV greyhound breeders wanting to be kennel owners. In three e-mails and one tape recorded conversation, Miner explains how he and partner Vince Berland were told that it was mandatory to pay off Sidiropolis.
Dean Miner claims that Sidiropolis never touches the bribe money directly, he uses “bag man,” and noted greyhound enthusiast Don Dodd, and or another alleged associate he named as Domenic Rippeppi. According to Miner, he refused to pay the bribe and lobbied himself to get a kennel through legal channels.
“I tried for years to get a “booking” (kennel contract) and when we did finally get a contract, my partner calls me and said Sidiropolis sent word that we still had to pay the $50,000 to him.” When he refused to pay, Miner says Sidiropolis began to blackball him. In fact, we obtained one e-mail that clearly shows Sidiropolis could have actually had it in for Miner.
He feels that an investigation into former kennel owner Paul Carbenou may have been the catalyst used to go after Miner too. Carbenou was caught up in a health document scandal that included 12 of Miners dogs that allegedly had fictitious medical clearance. Even though Miner was cleared of any wrongdoing, Sidiropolis tried to get the Wheeling casino owners to ban him from the track for life.
Sidiropolis publicly stated he had nothing to do with ordering an investigation and or seeking the racetrack to take action against Dean Miner.
But, in a March 2007 e-mail we obtained from Dean Miner, then racing commission chairman Sidiropolis appears to be instructing Racing Commission Auditor Joe Cuomo to contact the Wheeling Downs management and “immediately submit formal notice to Wheeling Island Racetrack of our expectations for them to take swift action against Miner and we should suspend his occupational permit….” That e-mail went on to say “You must request a member(s) of the Attorney General staff to present this case against Miner.”
When asked for names of people who knew about the bribes and could corroborate this claim, Dean Miner writes in an e-mail, “Sam Burdette was the most reputable source. I think that he said he and Don went to school together. When George allegedly tried to work a 50K deal with my partner, Flying Eagles, he used a Wheeling associate; Domenic Rippeppi as the courier/liaison.” We tried to contact Sam Burdette, Don Dodd & George Sidiropolis for comments but none of them returned our calls.

In fact, that current lawsuit (Kanawha County) would alow Miner to be awarded more money then the others members if Mrs. Utt negotiates things her way. Hundreds of thousands of dollars to be exact.
Another source came forward and states that Utt and Miner met with Senator Bailey last year in private about the breeders fund and lawsuite. That meeting was confirmed with Bailey's secretary according to Paul Carbenau. He also stated one of the greyhound lobbyist, Troy Hendricks, was a witness to Mr. Miner & Ms Utt's meeting at Bailey's office. Acording to Carbenau, Senator Bailey admitted that the 30 minute meeting occured, but eluded to what it was about. Immediately afterwards, Dean Miner and Christie Utt reportedly left together and could not be found anywhere in the capital.
According to Carbenou, "We looked for them both but, they were nowhere to be found." Just the mere fact they met together with Senator Bailey about the breeders fund and lawsuite shows complicity on Utt's part since Dean Miner is not a named defendant in that pending lawsuite against the racing commission.
Bottom line, if what Miner says is true about their romantic relationship, she should have withdrawn from the case a long time ago. Utt may also have overstepped her boundaries and interfered with Interstate Commerce when she admitted in a racing commission meeting that Dean Miner had asked her, as the state atorney generals represenative, to hold off on allowing his former partner, Vince Berland, to obtain a kennel contract because Miner “had questions about it.” Berland has yet to receive a “booking.”
Other people within the greyhound association & racing commission have talked about the rumors of the affair. According to one source, “Unless Dean is now lying; it’s no longer a rumor.” Dean Miner makes no apologies for what is going on. Nor does he hide his feelings towards those who have wronged him in the past. Sidiropolis, Don Dodd, Roger White, Earl Ray Tomblin are on that list and here is what Dean Miner says about them….Their ethics are less than those of a child molester”
He also stated if his attorney found out he had talked to anyone, especially the media, about his current federal case against Vince Berland; or complaints on Sidiroplis, "he said he would drop me & my case."
2. Governor’s Close Female Friend Receives Book Deal
Since being in politics, Governor Joe Manchin has reportedly been having affairs right under his wife’s nose. Some have proven to be true, and others never confirmed. Manchin is known as a ladies’ man and even likes to be seen in the presence of attractive women. Usually, his wife is not in the same picture, until now. (There is no indication the governor & Ms Boggs are more then friends.)
This time, it appears he appointed one of his attractive female friends to be a part of Gayle Manchins own campaign for healthier residents. Joe appointed noted health activist Cindy Boggs to the West Virginia Healthy Lifestyle Coalition. The coalition is chaired by the First Lady, which studies obesity issues and seeks to improve the health of all West Virginians.
Boggs, a longtime health and body enthusiast also self published a book titled “You can find health in your hectic day.” According to inside sources at the mansion, Ms Boggs book was really struggling in sales, so the governor arranged for the state to allegedly buy approximately $30,000 dollars worth to help boost her sales.
According to an e-mail from David Tincher, purchasing manager for the state, “it is my understanding that the book may have been purchased in conjunction with the Public Employees Insurance Agency's (PEIA) Health and Wellness Program by BeBetter, a health and wellness contractor to PEIA .
Rumors of the Joe Manchin - Boggs close friendship have been circulating throughout the statehouse staff for some time. But no one seemed to care until they learned Joe may have procured the sale of so many of her books through his political prowess. “Of course Joe will say the books are related to the health and fitness program, just like he has an excuse for buying a motorcycle, boat, vacation home and more on a $96,000 a year salary.”
Ms Boggs works for the YMCA and writes health columns for the Charleston Newspaper and appears on local TV stations. After looking at a picture of Boggs, one inside source sums up her thoughts about the governor’s personal friendship with Ms Boggs by simply saying, “I see why.”
3. Fires Being Battled From Within The Lubeck VFD
Bottom line, if what Miner says is true about their romantic relationship, she should have withdrawn from the case a long time ago. Utt may also have overstepped her boundaries and interfered with Interstate Commerce when she admitted in a racing commission meeting that Dean Miner had asked her, as the state atorney generals represenative, to hold off on allowing his former partner, Vince Berland, to obtain a kennel contract because Miner “had questions about it.” Berland has yet to receive a “booking.”
Other people within the greyhound association & racing commission have talked about the rumors of the affair. According to one source, “Unless Dean is now lying; it’s no longer a rumor.” Dean Miner makes no apologies for what is going on. Nor does he hide his feelings towards those who have wronged him in the past. Sidiropolis, Don Dodd, Roger White, Earl Ray Tomblin are on that list and here is what Dean Miner says about them….Their ethics are less than those of a child molester”
He also stated if his attorney found out he had talked to anyone, especially the media, about his current federal case against Vince Berland; or complaints on Sidiroplis, "he said he would drop me & my case."
2. Governor’s Close Female Friend Receives Book Deal

This time, it appears he appointed one of his attractive female friends to be a part of Gayle Manchins own campaign for healthier residents. Joe appointed noted health activist Cindy Boggs to the West Virginia Healthy Lifestyle Coalition. The coalition is chaired by the First Lady, which studies obesity issues and seeks to improve the health of all West Virginians.
Boggs, a longtime health and body enthusiast also self published a book titled “You can find health in your hectic day.” According to inside sources at the mansion, Ms Boggs book was really struggling in sales, so the governor arranged for the state to allegedly buy approximately $30,000 dollars worth to help boost her sales.
According to an e-mail from David Tincher, purchasing manager for the state, “it is my understanding that the book may have been purchased in conjunction with the Public Employees Insurance Agency's (PEIA) Health and Wellness Program by BeBetter, a health and wellness contractor to PEIA .
Rumors of the Joe Manchin - Boggs close friendship have been circulating throughout the statehouse staff for some time. But no one seemed to care until they learned Joe may have procured the sale of so many of her books through his political prowess. “Of course Joe will say the books are related to the health and fitness program, just like he has an excuse for buying a motorcycle, boat, vacation home and more on a $96,000 a year salary.”
Ms Boggs works for the YMCA and writes health columns for the Charleston Newspaper and appears on local TV stations. After looking at a picture of Boggs, one inside source sums up her thoughts about the governor’s personal friendship with Ms Boggs by simply saying, “I see why.”
3. Fires Being Battled From Within The Lubeck VFD

It’s dangerous enough to fight fires and other emergencies on a day to day basis. But, when the WV Fire Marshalls office has to intervene, investigate and put out fires within this departments management team, it takes on a whole new set of procedures. Lubeck VFD is located in Wood County and approximately 5 miles south west of Parkersburg. Their total population is 1,276. For some time now there has been turmoil involving the departments fire chief that has now escalated to the state police being provided information that could include criminal charges.
According to one inside sources e-mail to this author, the complaints derive from. “The Fire Chief is being investigated on grounds he was and has been practicing emergency medicine in the field without a license or certification for the past 3 yrs. That has been in progress since Feb. of this yr. The firefighters discovered he had no license while doing the Insurance paper work related to treatment he rendered this year. IA complaint was filed with the State EMS Office, WV is investigating, however, their one and only investigator left the division to accept another job.
The State Fire Marshal’s Office says they can only investigate the condition of the Station and Equipment, Training all other complaints are out of their control, and they have no authority to intervene to correct ANY miss-conduct. The heat was applied, and now things are getting a little sporty to say the least. Word from the Department, The Chief is terminating and kicking out everyone that had anything to do with the complaints..This is scheduled to take place around Sept. 11th during the next business meeting."
Corroboration for these problems surfaced in a June 13, 2008 State Fire Commission meeting in Fairmont when fire marshal Lewis stated that “A complaint has been received against Lubeck Fire Department. A number of issues and criminal complaints are in this complaint. The criminal complaints have been turned over to the State Police. Another complaint which is outside the realm of the Fire Marshal’s authority has been turned over to the Office of Emergency Medical Service.” http://www.firemarshal.wv.gov/Documents/FC%20Minutes%206-13-08.pdf
The e-mails further explain how, “Last night the Fire Chief Mark Stewart terminated the Deputy Chief -Dave Cutright 26 yr veteran and Former Fire Chief - Ed Eaton 43 yr veteran. Stewart the chief, waited till he got Dave and Ed out of the building then went on a verbal attack of Virgil Flinn - Former Fire Chief approx. 39 yr veteran. After an hour plus of attacks, I understand they had Virgil pretty upset, literally shaking and mentally battered, they advised Virgil he had 24 hrs or he would terminated. Keep in mind, Ed & Virgil are in their late 60's & 70's they don't need to be undergoing attacks like this.
Dave Cutright and Ed Eaton were terminated for talking to people about this. Virgil is being terminated because he will not surrender his authority of the community park that he built.
State Fire Marshal Sterling Lewis called and said his hands are tied, he has NO authority to take any actions,...even though he said,.."what is going on is wrong". Sterling advised to get an Attorney lined up and start filing, and to start with the simple items of failing to follow the established By-Laws resulting in wrongful dismissal. Very evident, that these actions were a direct result of planned retaliation.”
4. Snorting Up The Evidence In A High Profile Criminal Case
According to one inside source who insists on remaining anonymous, Kanawha County Circuit Clerk Cathy Gatson has snorted cocaine in front of her more than once. In fact, Gatson allegedly snorted the drug right on her county office desk, and the cocaine came from the second floor evidence room and Gatson has the only key.
In this specific incident, that occurred several years ago, Gatson allegedly took drugs out of the evidence room from a high profile drug case and that she was lucky the defendant pled guilty because if anyone would have re-weighed the cocaine, it would have been a little lighter then when it was processed in. “She is the biggest dope head” according to one former clerk.
When asked how Gatson could be so open about doing drugs in front of her and others? “She thinks are lips were sealed and we were scared for our jobs.” And allegedly the Circuit Court Clerk only has a few people she really trusts. When asked for names who Gatson tells her deep dark secrets to, “Linda Allen & Rhonda Cavender.” Our source came forward because she feels sickened by the drug use and how the circuit court clerk runs her department.
And it’s not just the drug use that bothers this witness. “She also intentionally hides case files in her desk and or closet, then has the deputy clerks tell people who ask to see the records, that those case files are unavailable or with the judge ” Why would Cathy Gatson do this? As a favor to lawyers, prosecutors and or her friends who don’t want the press or other nosy people looking through the records of high profile cases or people she knows.
“I can remember her telling me to get so and so’s file and bring it to her. Then she would either put it in her desk or closet so no-one could see it.” Then there are the 3 hour lunches at the mall, and having to listen to the stories of the drinking binges & other antics of “the trio” that includes Kathy Gatson, Lynn Ransen and even Judge Charlie King…. “The whole place just makes me sick.” According to Timothy Barber, who has represented Cathy Gatson over the years, she denies the allegations, says she knows who our sources for the story are, and they are nothing but liars....
5. What You May Not Know About WV State Police History & Politics
Quick, but interesting history lesson…. The WV State Police was formed in 1919 and will be celebrating 90 years of being the department of public safety very soon. The very first trooper was Sam Paylor, who was a formal military man just like all of the original members. In fact, they all wore their actual army green uniforms because the state could not afford to provide them with any. This is where the current green uniform of today stems from. The state police was actually formed during the coal conflicts as a law enforcement division not influenced or controlled by the coal companies or union.
It wasn’t until the last few years that the WV State Police were actually named that. Until then, they were the Department Of Public Safety. Legislation was passed to change their name officially, even though everything has been called the state police for as far back as anyone can remember. Most people know that the gold & blue police cruisers are the state colors, but the gold top of each car represents the gold capitol dome, even though the cars are not painted with “gold leaf” paint which would cost a fortune.
Politics in the State Police...
According to one state police spokesperson, “The superintendent’s job is appointed by, and at the will and pleasure of the governor.” History has shown that incoming governors usually appoint a new colonel as little as every four years, or each time a new governor takes over. There has only been one superintendent in WV’s history that wasn’t a state trooper beforehand. That one exception was a former deputy sheriff and that governor quickly learned there was distaste among the ranks for any superintendant who hasn’t first earned the green uniform.
It’s not uncommon in politics to make promises you know you can’t keep. But, introducing one man in public as the next superintendant of the WV State Police and then giving it to someone else could cause a rippling effect down the road. Retired state trooper David L. Lemmon is the current top trooper and according to most sources he is suited for the position, and most of his subordinates support him.
But, during the governor’s 2004 campaign, Manchin actually introduced Wood County Deputy Sheriff Terry Miller to political supporters as the next superintendent. And, according to witnesses, Miller did not flinch or act as though it was a surprise to hear the news. One of Manchins then campaign staff said, “Joe Manchin introduced Miller to me more than once as the next superintendant of the WV State Police.” Miller has had a long history in law enforcement and other pertinent training and experience throughout the state.
His bio reads like the who’s who of law enforcement
“A native of Parkersburg, West Virginia, Terry Miller served more than 27 years with the Wood County Sheriff’s Department, before retiring as a Lieutenant. Miller obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from West Virginia State College. He has an Associate Degree in Law Enforcement from Parkersburg Community College. In 2005, Cabinet Secretary Jim Spears of the West Virginia Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety asked Miller to assist in the reorganization and establishment of the Homeland Security State Administrative Agency.
In that position, he worked with state and local law enforcement agencies, as well as other first responders, state and local elected and appointed officials, and six Regional Homeland Security Planners. Miller also served as the Acting Director of the State’s Regional Response Program which is managed by the State Fire Marshal.
He is also State President of the West Virginia Deputy Sheriff’s Association. He is a board member of the Law Enforcement Training Subcommittee of the Governor’s Committee on Crime, Delinquency and Corrections, and serves on the West Virginia Investment Management Board. He is a former member of the West Virginia Consolidated Public Retirement Board, past Vice-President of the Parkersburg Fraternal Order of Police and past Vice President and past President of the Wood County Deputy Sheriff’s Association. He is an active member of the Fraternal Order of Police and the Deputy Sheriff’s Association.
Miller received the 1999 Presidential Citation and the 2001 Meritorious Service Award by the West Virginia Deputy Sheriff’s Association. He was named the 1999 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year by Blennerhassett Lodge #79 of the Fraternal Order of Police.” And on and on…..
So, how did Colonel Lemmon end up with the job? First, he retired from the State Police back in 1987 after 30 plus years of perfect service. Even though he had never served in administration, he has since shown he can do the job.
Inside sources say one of two things occurred that caused the governor to turn away from Miller as his number one choice.
Either Manchin was warned against appointing a non-trooper as their leader, or, it was the fact Dave Lemmon and his wife Ruth “rented?”Joe Manchin one of their homes as campaign headquarters in 2004. That home is located on Kanawha Boulevard next to the WV Automobile & Truck Associations office, which is also very near the governor’s mansion & state capital. Ruth Lemmon is the Automobile Association president. As the story goes, Joe promised both men the job, but gave it to Lemmon in exchange for the use of the campaign headquarters.
Would Joe Manchin actually make his choice based on just that? “Joe is a maniac…” according to one former political rival. One example… Charlotte Pritt recalls, “I remember years ago when Joe really needed a vote and support on something and he promised then state house member, Sondra Lucht, that if she would vote and talk up for his bill, that he would in turn vote and support hers.” She allegedly did what she agreed to do and Joe shot her down and voted against her. When Lucht asked why he would do that?? Joe just looked at her and laughed, “I lied, ha ha”
No matter Joe Manchins reasons, Terry Miller went on to be appointed to several other positions by the governor, most recently as the director of the WV Jail & Correctional Facility Authority. And Colonel Dave Lemmon was a good choice....
6. What Reason Does Ogden Newspaper Have For Not Hiring Blacks Or Gays?
One West Virginia media mogul is hiding facts from their readers and the general public. If your black or gay, don’t bother applying for any middle to upper management positions within Ogden Newspaper Company because you most likely won’t be hired.
According to one former veteran publisher, and a human resource manager, there is an unwritten rule not to hire any blacks or gays. In a 2005 conversation caught on tape, former publisher Craig Bohrer answered this authors question regarding why Ogden tries to steer away from hiring black employees. “Do you want the corporate answer, or the truth?”
According to Bohrer, Ogden Newspaper Company feels blacks are lazy; they steal and end up having to be terminated for one reason or another. He also stated that he personally did not like people like Jesse Jackson who just goes around the country suing businesses for his own financial gain. And that he (Bohrer) was not around back in the days of slavery, but would have been good to his slaves. He also said that Ogden has met its per-ratio of black & white employee's.
Also, onetime human resources manager Joyce Phillips who worked at “The Journal” in Martinsburg confirmed that there was another unwritten policy not to hire gays. Why? No specific reason except corporate executives just did not like them. This is contrary to their own decision back in 2004 when they purchased the weekly news tabloid “Graffiti” which claims to be WV’s alternative news. At the time, there was some gay content inside their magazine-newspaper which goes against Ogden’s beliefs.
At the time, Ogden Newspapers corporate circulation director Bart Leath, confirmed this on tape and even questioned the decision himself as to why Ogden would buy the weekly publication. But, noted the main reason for the purchase was to get a foothold in the Charleston-Huntington market since they lost out on their bid to buy the Charleston Daily Mail when it came available.
The Journal newspaper Editor Maria Lorensen stated (also on tape) that same year that even though it was not right what goes on, she somewhat understood the publishers comments and that in his mind, the unwritten policy was just heading off a potential problem down the road of having to fire them period.
The State Fire Marshal’s Office says they can only investigate the condition of the Station and Equipment, Training all other complaints are out of their control, and they have no authority to intervene to correct ANY miss-conduct. The heat was applied, and now things are getting a little sporty to say the least. Word from the Department, The Chief is terminating and kicking out everyone that had anything to do with the complaints..This is scheduled to take place around Sept. 11th during the next business meeting."
Corroboration for these problems surfaced in a June 13, 2008 State Fire Commission meeting in Fairmont when fire marshal Lewis stated that “A complaint has been received against Lubeck Fire Department. A number of issues and criminal complaints are in this complaint. The criminal complaints have been turned over to the State Police. Another complaint which is outside the realm of the Fire Marshal’s authority has been turned over to the Office of Emergency Medical Service.” http://www.firemarshal.wv.gov/Documents/FC%20Minutes%206-13-08.pdf
The e-mails further explain how, “Last night the Fire Chief Mark Stewart terminated the Deputy Chief -Dave Cutright 26 yr veteran and Former Fire Chief - Ed Eaton 43 yr veteran. Stewart the chief, waited till he got Dave and Ed out of the building then went on a verbal attack of Virgil Flinn - Former Fire Chief approx. 39 yr veteran. After an hour plus of attacks, I understand they had Virgil pretty upset, literally shaking and mentally battered, they advised Virgil he had 24 hrs or he would terminated. Keep in mind, Ed & Virgil are in their late 60's & 70's they don't need to be undergoing attacks like this.
Dave Cutright and Ed Eaton were terminated for talking to people about this. Virgil is being terminated because he will not surrender his authority of the community park that he built.
State Fire Marshal Sterling Lewis called and said his hands are tied, he has NO authority to take any actions,...even though he said,.."what is going on is wrong". Sterling advised to get an Attorney lined up and start filing, and to start with the simple items of failing to follow the established By-Laws resulting in wrongful dismissal. Very evident, that these actions were a direct result of planned retaliation.”
4. Snorting Up The Evidence In A High Profile Criminal Case
According to one inside source who insists on remaining anonymous, Kanawha County Circuit Clerk Cathy Gatson has snorted cocaine in front of her more than once. In fact, Gatson allegedly snorted the drug right on her county office desk, and the cocaine came from the second floor evidence room and Gatson has the only key.
In this specific incident, that occurred several years ago, Gatson allegedly took drugs out of the evidence room from a high profile drug case and that she was lucky the defendant pled guilty because if anyone would have re-weighed the cocaine, it would have been a little lighter then when it was processed in. “She is the biggest dope head” according to one former clerk.
When asked how Gatson could be so open about doing drugs in front of her and others? “She thinks are lips were sealed and we were scared for our jobs.” And allegedly the Circuit Court Clerk only has a few people she really trusts. When asked for names who Gatson tells her deep dark secrets to, “Linda Allen & Rhonda Cavender.” Our source came forward because she feels sickened by the drug use and how the circuit court clerk runs her department.
And it’s not just the drug use that bothers this witness. “She also intentionally hides case files in her desk and or closet, then has the deputy clerks tell people who ask to see the records, that those case files are unavailable or with the judge ” Why would Cathy Gatson do this? As a favor to lawyers, prosecutors and or her friends who don’t want the press or other nosy people looking through the records of high profile cases or people she knows.
“I can remember her telling me to get so and so’s file and bring it to her. Then she would either put it in her desk or closet so no-one could see it.” Then there are the 3 hour lunches at the mall, and having to listen to the stories of the drinking binges & other antics of “the trio” that includes Kathy Gatson, Lynn Ransen and even Judge Charlie King…. “The whole place just makes me sick.” According to Timothy Barber, who has represented Cathy Gatson over the years, she denies the allegations, says she knows who our sources for the story are, and they are nothing but liars....
5. What You May Not Know About WV State Police History & Politics
Quick, but interesting history lesson…. The WV State Police was formed in 1919 and will be celebrating 90 years of being the department of public safety very soon. The very first trooper was Sam Paylor, who was a formal military man just like all of the original members. In fact, they all wore their actual army green uniforms because the state could not afford to provide them with any. This is where the current green uniform of today stems from. The state police was actually formed during the coal conflicts as a law enforcement division not influenced or controlled by the coal companies or union.
It wasn’t until the last few years that the WV State Police were actually named that. Until then, they were the Department Of Public Safety. Legislation was passed to change their name officially, even though everything has been called the state police for as far back as anyone can remember. Most people know that the gold & blue police cruisers are the state colors, but the gold top of each car represents the gold capitol dome, even though the cars are not painted with “gold leaf” paint which would cost a fortune.
Politics in the State Police...
According to one state police spokesperson, “The superintendent’s job is appointed by, and at the will and pleasure of the governor.” History has shown that incoming governors usually appoint a new colonel as little as every four years, or each time a new governor takes over. There has only been one superintendent in WV’s history that wasn’t a state trooper beforehand. That one exception was a former deputy sheriff and that governor quickly learned there was distaste among the ranks for any superintendant who hasn’t first earned the green uniform.
It’s not uncommon in politics to make promises you know you can’t keep. But, introducing one man in public as the next superintendant of the WV State Police and then giving it to someone else could cause a rippling effect down the road. Retired state trooper David L. Lemmon is the current top trooper and according to most sources he is suited for the position, and most of his subordinates support him.

His bio reads like the who’s who of law enforcement
“A native of Parkersburg, West Virginia, Terry Miller served more than 27 years with the Wood County Sheriff’s Department, before retiring as a Lieutenant. Miller obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from West Virginia State College. He has an Associate Degree in Law Enforcement from Parkersburg Community College. In 2005, Cabinet Secretary Jim Spears of the West Virginia Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety asked Miller to assist in the reorganization and establishment of the Homeland Security State Administrative Agency.
In that position, he worked with state and local law enforcement agencies, as well as other first responders, state and local elected and appointed officials, and six Regional Homeland Security Planners. Miller also served as the Acting Director of the State’s Regional Response Program which is managed by the State Fire Marshal.
He is also State President of the West Virginia Deputy Sheriff’s Association. He is a board member of the Law Enforcement Training Subcommittee of the Governor’s Committee on Crime, Delinquency and Corrections, and serves on the West Virginia Investment Management Board. He is a former member of the West Virginia Consolidated Public Retirement Board, past Vice-President of the Parkersburg Fraternal Order of Police and past Vice President and past President of the Wood County Deputy Sheriff’s Association. He is an active member of the Fraternal Order of Police and the Deputy Sheriff’s Association.
Miller received the 1999 Presidential Citation and the 2001 Meritorious Service Award by the West Virginia Deputy Sheriff’s Association. He was named the 1999 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year by Blennerhassett Lodge #79 of the Fraternal Order of Police.” And on and on…..

Inside sources say one of two things occurred that caused the governor to turn away from Miller as his number one choice.
Either Manchin was warned against appointing a non-trooper as their leader, or, it was the fact Dave Lemmon and his wife Ruth “rented?”Joe Manchin one of their homes as campaign headquarters in 2004. That home is located on Kanawha Boulevard next to the WV Automobile & Truck Associations office, which is also very near the governor’s mansion & state capital. Ruth Lemmon is the Automobile Association president. As the story goes, Joe promised both men the job, but gave it to Lemmon in exchange for the use of the campaign headquarters.
Would Joe Manchin actually make his choice based on just that? “Joe is a maniac…” according to one former political rival. One example… Charlotte Pritt recalls, “I remember years ago when Joe really needed a vote and support on something and he promised then state house member, Sondra Lucht, that if she would vote and talk up for his bill, that he would in turn vote and support hers.” She allegedly did what she agreed to do and Joe shot her down and voted against her. When Lucht asked why he would do that?? Joe just looked at her and laughed, “I lied, ha ha”
No matter Joe Manchins reasons, Terry Miller went on to be appointed to several other positions by the governor, most recently as the director of the WV Jail & Correctional Facility Authority. And Colonel Dave Lemmon was a good choice....
6. What Reason Does Ogden Newspaper Have For Not Hiring Blacks Or Gays?

According to one former veteran publisher, and a human resource manager, there is an unwritten rule not to hire any blacks or gays. In a 2005 conversation caught on tape, former publisher Craig Bohrer answered this authors question regarding why Ogden tries to steer away from hiring black employees. “Do you want the corporate answer, or the truth?”
According to Bohrer, Ogden Newspaper Company feels blacks are lazy; they steal and end up having to be terminated for one reason or another. He also stated that he personally did not like people like Jesse Jackson who just goes around the country suing businesses for his own financial gain. And that he (Bohrer) was not around back in the days of slavery, but would have been good to his slaves. He also said that Ogden has met its per-ratio of black & white employee's.
Also, onetime human resources manager Joyce Phillips who worked at “The Journal” in Martinsburg confirmed that there was another unwritten policy not to hire gays. Why? No specific reason except corporate executives just did not like them. This is contrary to their own decision back in 2004 when they purchased the weekly news tabloid “Graffiti” which claims to be WV’s alternative news. At the time, there was some gay content inside their magazine-newspaper which goes against Ogden’s beliefs.
At the time, Ogden Newspapers corporate circulation director Bart Leath, confirmed this on tape and even questioned the decision himself as to why Ogden would buy the weekly publication. But, noted the main reason for the purchase was to get a foothold in the Charleston-Huntington market since they lost out on their bid to buy the Charleston Daily Mail when it came available.
The Journal newspaper Editor Maria Lorensen stated (also on tape) that same year that even though it was not right what goes on, she somewhat understood the publishers comments and that in his mind, the unwritten policy was just heading off a potential problem down the road of having to fire them period.
If you notice, Ogden newspaper has no black executives, publishers, editors or any mid to upper management employee's in any of their newspaper companies across the country. Ever see a corporate picture? No blacks, EVER.
Ogden does own the "Pittsburgh Pirates," and there are black professional baseball players on their team.
Ogden does own the "Pittsburgh Pirates," and there are black professional baseball players on their team.
7. The Intentional Demise Of The Charleston Daily Mail Newspaper.
Everyone is aware of the current Anti-Trust law suit against the Charleston newspaper by the US Government. That suit contends that the owners intended to phase out the Daily Mail afternoon newspaper after purchasing it from Media News Group in Denver.
The Gazette company adamantly denies that was their intention nor did they violate Anti-Trust laws. WRONG. Gazette owner/general manager Craig Selby has wanted to do away with the afternoon newspaper for many years. He openly stated to former and current circulation directors and other upper management his intent. According to circulation management, plans were even drawn up and approved for them to intentionally begin by pulling out newspaper service in rural and surrounding counties across WV the minute the buyout occurred. This was a deliberate crash course and the circulation staff was in charge of making it happen, even though they were against it, and some lost jobs because of it.
Everyone is focusing on how they have not filled open reporter’s positions and other key management vacancies within the Daily Mail. What the feds need to be focusing on is the circulation departments roping in both the DM home delivery and single copy sales in outlying areas. They have intentionally caused their own subscriber base to drastically dwindle down in preparation for its demise.
One key to this whole case is the fact that until talks of selling the Daily Mail newspaper surfaced, former publisher Sam Hindman, President Dave Zinn, Dean Singleton (owner) and his number two person Steve Hesse, were adamant on keeping the Daily Mail above 40,000 subscribers. In fact, circulation management personnel’s bonuses were tied to this baseline figure. If you examine the ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulation) reports this is very evident.
In late 1999 early 2000, a promotional offer was made to Daily Mail subscribers to also receive the Gazette newspaper for $1. The promotion worked for a short period, but ultimately the afternoon paper subscribers let the morning newspaper offer expire. They did not want the Gazette.
After the sale of the DM, Selby closed down distribution centers claiming he was saving expenses. Those distribution centers, and even outlying storage areas used as newspaper route drop off locations, were instrumental in ensuring on time delivery by contractors. Other key signs of Selby’s intent to do in the afternoon paper is when he ordered they begin cutting back on telemarketing sales, retention and even renewing expired customers accounts who received the Daily Mail in outlining areas.
Some people will agree that afternoon newspapers are becoming a thing of the past. Some newspaper companies actually have gone from an afternoon to a morning newspaper. But, not the way Craig Selby envisioned it to occur. His plan is to forcefully make Daily Mail subscribers have to switch to the Gazette in order to receive a newspaper....
8. The True Story How Mayor Danny Jones Eluded Federal Cocaine Charges

Recently, one of the key players came forward to tell what they say is the actual truth to what went on behind the scenes in both Roark & Jones cocaine problems. Everyone knows the true outcome of Roark’s case. But, according to the one person who could be privy to the inner workings of the US Attorney’s office prosecution says that “it was the hardest case that federal prosecutor Wayne Rich ever had to be associated with.”
Garnett Pritt is the father of Charlotte Pritt, former WV veteran politician and former wife of onetime Charleston US Attorney Wayne Rich. Pritt recently told the “real story” about Roark and current Mayor Danny Jones cocaine troubles. “Wayne sat in my living room telling me how it was his job as a prosecutor to ensure Mike Roark case went to trial.” That was after Pritt says Wayne Rich told him the feds offered Roark a deal to resign, get out of politics and they would let the charges go away. Evidentially, Roark turned their deal offer down since he was convicted and went to jail on misdemeanor charges.
As for current Mayor Danny Jones, that was a different ending. Pritt says that he was instrumental in keeping Danny from being prosecuted. Why would he do that?
One, there is a connection with Jones and another one of Pritts daughters. Linda Pritt Smith, who Jones dated and lived with years ago. Jones says they have just been friends for a number of years. That’s untrue according Linda’s father and older sister Charlotte Pritt, they were more then friends back then.
The second reason Mr. Pritt helped Danny. Jones helped Garnett years ago with an insurance problem, and he just wanted to repay him for his kindness by talking to former son in law (and still close friend) Wayne Rich, who agreed to stall pursuing Danny on cocaine charges and allow the statute of limitations to expire. That allowed Jones to just walk away.
Mr. Pritt says he still talks with Wayne Rich to this day. In fact, Rich called him recently from Iraq where he is currently working in a contract position. “Wayne said it was 7am there in Iraq, it was only around 2pm here.” Pritt says that the former US Attorney let Danny go as a favor to him. Jones visited Garnett Pritt last year when he was in the hospital recovering from pneumonia, “I woke up and there stood Danny.”
9. Is Kanawha County Judge Todd Kaufman Abusing His Power To Help A Friend?
According to one e-mail source, Kanawha County Court Judge Todd Kaufman is using his power and influence to cover up a case against his longtime friends, Richard and Marianne Lindroth.
Richard, a local attorney and former general counsel for House Speaker Bob Kiss, allegedly forgot to pay his state taxes for at least 10 years. And according to our source, “All the while, he was working as a state employee, and collecting a big fat state paycheck.” He reportedly lost his case with the state tax department and has now appealed to the circuit court.
Todd Kaufman is the presiding judge, and there are several interesting points that go along with this. According to the e-mail we received, “Lindroth is a licensed pilot and flew Kaufman to WVU football games or something, free of charge a few years ago, when Kaufman needed a pilot. Now, Lindroth wants payback on his tax case, and Kaufman is showing some pretty strange things in the way he's approaching this case.”
On the surface, something sinister and deceiving could be going on. Even the case heading is hiding the name of the defendants. The original state tax case files appear to be “altered” also to hide facts from public knowledge.
According to Judge Kauffman’s secretary, the case number is 07-AA-58, and the next hearing date is set for October 17th, 2008. As of today’s date the case is captioned “R.M.L” vs- Tax Commissioner. RML stands for Richard & Marianne Lindroth. One county clerk said that the only time initials are supposed to be used is in a case that involves a juvenile.
Why is Lindroths case using initials only? Allegedly, this is because Richard didn’t' want anyone to know of his legal problems. Once you appeal those tax cases to circuit court, no more taxpayer confidentiality. If you appeal those cases to circuit court, your name should be the title of the case.
What’s even more ironic about this case, Attorney Lindroth is listed as a member of the WEST VIRGINIA STATE AND FEDERAL TAXATION COMMITTEE.
End Of Stories...
Jack Swint-Publisher
West Virginia News
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Website: http://WVNewsOnline.com
Twitter: @WVNewsOnline
LinkedIn: Jack Swint
Dave Lemmon and his son are a cancer within the WVSP.
Both examples of politics at its worst.
I know Dean Miner (story #1) and he likes to brag and make himself seem more important then he really is. I can see him making up the part of the story about Mrs Utt!!
Come on, the guy is a gambler, he is gambling on no one ever bringing it up.
I also know of at least 8 people he has bragged to about it.
Shame on you Dean Miner if you lied, and if you did have a relationship then Utt needs to step down from any representation she has the racing commission lawsuites.
If it is true about the bribes, they need to investigate
Someone (on the below segment on a story about a man named Roger White) posted a comment saying that "Sam Webber", the author of this blog, is "so full of it."
Huh, seems he is full of stories about corruption in WV!!! And he offers to provide the documents and other evidence to back up the stories if you have the balls to ask for them. They even put links to back up what he says. I think it is great to air the states dirty laundry.
Seems people are sending them stories to write about, and they do.
Mike Spears
The allegations about Ogden Newspapers are false. I worked there but am no apologist for company. In fact, I quit because of low pay. Nevertheless, I can say the company does have black employees. I don't know about gays; what employees do in their bedrooms is nobody's business, is it?
Admittedly, it was a rarity for a black to apply for a reporter job, simply because Ogden pays so poorly. There recently was a young, female black reporter in Wheeling who wasn't a very good writer, but she certainly wasn't discriminated against on account of skin tone.
Uh, whoever that is that said they use to work for Ogden newspaper hopefully ised spell-check when they did.
And, the story said upper management, unless your the editor, being a reporter isnt upper management.
I to worked for Ogden and never once saw any black person working anywhere but in the mailroom or sales.
They do discriminate. Look at their corporate office too. See anyone black??? No, you dont. But I heard that one of them has one of those black concrete fictures of a man holding a lite in front of their house.
Yes, Ogden newspaper & the nutting family who own them are racial.
Ever see a corporate picture of Ogden Newspaper Execs? Not a black person on it anywhere.
Nor are there any black editors, or other upper management like editors, advertising etc.
JC Spradling
If the story about the bribes within the statehouse is true, the CSI and ethics people need to check it out.
Oh, I forgot, earl ray tomblin and joe manchin run the state. Never mind, its a dead end.
Have to admit, Joe Manchin does have some very pretty "girl" friends around him. Guess i should buy her book and read it.
Good looking girls
what else could anyone want?
King Joe also enjoys his outings to Tomahawks Smokehouse and Saloon in the Badlands in Jefferson.
He was relieved when it re-opened.
You go Joe Manchin, straight to jail on your new 40,000 dollar harley.
or fly to prison in that new plane ya bought. either way, you do surround yourself with pretty ladies.
you have raped this state in every possible way. take all your toys and leave this place
bribes, cheating, backdoor deals and even drugs. this story has it all. great job, cant wait to read the one on earl tomblin this week.
Well I guess it is bye-bye Judge Charlie King. It is really a sad thing that King bails out and resigns immediately and leaves kanawha county residents hanging. What about the civil lawsuits and criminal cases he has just walked away from. WHAT A JACKASS!!!!
Whatever the reason (heard he was caught up in a scandal)he just up and quit, he should be ashamed for just turning his back on county residents that he took an oath to serve as a circuit judge
Talk around Wheeling Island Casino is that Dean Miner wants everyone to think that he has political connections. Word is that employees think he is full of it. Female employees say that he is creepy. Poor Christie Utt, maybe she was used by Miner to embelish his stories.
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