Friday, June 3, 2011

Pistol Wielding Lawyer To Face Judge On July 6th 2011

After A Year Of Stalling Will Case Make It To Court This Time? By WV News Staff

Charleston WV area lawyer, Richard Lindroth, was arrested in July 2010 on charges he not only pulled a pistol from his pants pocket, stuck it in the chest of Gary Lowe and threatened his life; but he is also accused of obstructing police who were called to the scene. This all transpired while Lowe was next door from Lindroth’s home working on the roof of Estie Fields. Lindroth’s pit-bull reportedly became very aggressive towards the worker and when he tried to protect himself by using his tape measurer, Lindroth allegedly threatened to shoot him if he harmed the dog.
South Charleston Police Officers responded to the scene; according to Cpl. E.M. Smith and Patrolman T.A. Bailes reports, they were interviewing Lowe when Lindroth approached them. Bailes asked Lindroth if he had a gun, he admitted he did, and that it was in his right front pants pocket. Bailes then put Lindroth's hands behind his back to search him and retrieve the gun, but Lindroth resisted and told the patrolman he would get the gun himself. He then attempted to reach for the gun in his pocket, police said.

The patrolman then forced Lindroth to the ground and handcuffed him. Bailes found a Glock Model 27 .40-caliber pistol in his pocket. Besides the two officers, Brian Liggett was present and witnessed the entire altercation while helping Lowe work on the roof. According to magistrate court records, Lindroth has continued this case 3 times already. It is now scheduled to be heard in front of Magistrate Jack Pauley on July 6th, 2011. The magistrate clerk’s staff stated that according to their records, there is no attorney on file representing him at this time.

Several lawyers we contacted feel that all Kanawha County Magistrates should withdrawal themselves from this case because of the conflict of interest due to the close personal and social relationships between Lindroth and these judges. The question of how Lindroth has managed to postpone this case for a year, and keep it at the Magistrate level, tends to support the possibility that favoritism may exist.

Worker Felt Threatened By Dog And Its Owner

Gary Lowe told this author that he felt in fear for his safety because the dog was approaching him aggressively and barking in anger. “I’ve been around dogs acting like that before, I felt threatened.” He had come down from the roof for only a minute when the pit bull came after him. His work partner, Brian Liggett was still up on the roof and witnessed what took place. Lowe stated he also feared for his life from Lindroth after the man pulled the pistol and aimed it at him.

According to Estie Fileds, whose home Lowe and Liggett were working on, “that dog will eat you up.” She also stated that Lindroth never keeps it on a leash. When asked if she knows whether or not Lindroth usually carries a gun, she said yes, all the time, and that he “always shoots his guns in the yard with his son.”

Ironically, in 2009, Lindroth was a staunch advocate against the new city ordinance South Charleston City Council wanted to pass that would require owners of certain canine breeds, such as his pit bull, to be registered and given special red tags. When outside, the pit would have to be kept in an enclosures or muzzled and kept on short leashes.

He also gave a statement back in 2009 (before the incident) to the online website, “Game Dog… A Pit Bull Community” on the good nature of this pet. "She's the gentlest, sweetest dog I've ever owned," And, "She's just not going to hurt anyone. But pit bulls have a bad reputation."

Not A Good Neighbor

There is a source who claims Lindroth was already very upset prior to the incident because he was in the middle of a huge dispute with Ms Estie Fields, who actually co-owns her home at Kanawha Ave with Richard Lindroth. According to Ms Fields, Lindroth owns 1/3 of her house located  4616 Kanawha Avenue. Lindroth had promised to buy out Fields 2/3 because the hospital wanted it along with the adjoining property at 4614 that Lindroth owns in full. He wanted to sell it all as a package deal. Fields said she moved out based on Lindroth's commitment to buy the house and his promise that he would pay her rent somewhere else while they waited on him to arrange to buy her out.

“He (Lindroth) never got the loan and he only paid my rent for three out of the fourteen months.” Fields stated that Lindroth finally told her he could not get a loan because of back taxes he owed. She and her boyfriend moved back to the house. “Never trust that man, he lies. How can he buy new cars and motorcycles but cant get a loan to buy a house?” (Lindroth does have tax problems – See Kanawha County Civil case 07-AA-58)

According to Fields, Lindroth told her that the hospital backed out of buying the house because it was too complicated with his tax problems and the joint ownership between her and Lindroth. One source we spoke to said that the hospital also backed out because Lindroth wanted to much money. Estie Fields said that in the end, she had the costs of paying rent, moving and more. “He also has never paid for his share of the property taxes or repairs, and he told me there is nothing I can do about it”

While the property was vacant, it began to fall into disrepair so a third party friend of Estie hired Lowe and Liggett and paid $1,700.00 to put a new metal roof on it because it appeared she would have to move back in, and she did.

No Place Without His Gun

We were unable to verify through the Kanawha County Sheriffs office if Lindroth has ever had or currently has a concealed gun permit. But, sources for this story claim that whether he has a permit or not doesn’t matter, he always carries a gun, even if it is just the small single shot pistol he hides behind his belt buckle. Our source also stated with confidence that Lindroth claims he always has a pistol on him; does that include the courthouses too? Wouldnt that be embarrassing to courthouse staff?

Past Problems With Failure To Pay Taxes And Porn

Lindroth’s legal problems date back to when he was former general counsel for House Speaker Bob Kiss. His tax problems were the result of him reportedly forgetting to pay state owed taxes for at least a 10 year period. All the while, he was working as a state employee, and collecting a state paycheck. Ironically, through all of his tax problems, he still has been able to remain a long-time member of the WEST VIRGINIA STATE AND FEDERAL TAXATION COMMITTEE. (See link below)

While working for former Speaker of the House Bob Kiss, Lindroth’s computer was seized by investigators after 80 pornographic pictures were found on the hard-drive. Up until then, there were no rules governing porn on state owned computers so no legal action was taken against him. Shortly afterwards, the House adopted new rules banning any pornographic material.

A call to the WV Disciplinary Council shows that there have been a total of 3 complaints on file against Lindroth but never any sanctions. The last complaint was filed in 2000.

In Closing,

There are a lot of questions surrounding this case. Attorney Richard Lindroth has managed to stall his misdemeanor criminal charges in Kanawha County Magistrate Court since police arrested him in July 2010 for brandishing a weapon and obstructing police officers. These are offenses that carry possible jail time. If convicted, will the lawyer’s disciplinary council also sanction him?

Will it go to court this time, or stall again? Is there a conflict between Lindroth and Kanawha County Magistrates since they all are friends with him?

According to his next door neighbor, Estie Fields, Lindroth is not a good neighbor or business partner. She says he hasn’t kept any promises and owes her money for past rent, repairs and past taxes on the house. We did try to contact Richard Lindroth but our calls were not returned.

End of story….

Jack Swint - Publisher
WV News 2011


WV State And Federal Taxation Committee

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