According to people in the know, newly elected US Senator Joe Manchin (pictured to the left) has one philosophy for an ideal relationship with friends and associates. "I will stick with you through thick and thin. When it gets thick, I get thin"…
It appears on the surface the former WV governor has abandoned yet another one of his long-time friends as he moves onto Washington DC. Manchins former WV chief of staff, Larry Puccio, is reportedly missing in action ever since the new senator took office. Puccio had been Manchins loyal and trusted friend for many years. Both personally, and as his confidant in politics and statehouse jobs.
Everyone in state politics just assumed that Puccio would be working for Senator Manchin in Washington as his chief of staff, or in some high profile position. To date, neither has occurred. But, earlier this week, Manchin named Chris Kofinis as his new chief of staff. Kofinis has worked with presidential and gubernatorial campaigns in the past.

Rumors and allegations are surfacing that Puccio is under investigation by the feds for his companies’ (Puccio & York) involvement in state awarded contracts while he was chief of staff to the governor. Others speculate he has been subpoenaed to a federal grand jury investigating Manchins possible civil and criminal acts while in WV state politics. (Puccio & York story linked below)
Has Larry Puccio now joined the ranks of former close friends who have been tossed aside and or thrown to the wolves???
People like Mike Puskar, mega-millionaire founder of Mylan Pharmaceuticals and the Platinum Property. This longtime friend was abandoned by Manchin when rumors began to surface about shady deals between Puskar, Manchin and Centra Bank. Mike Puskar is on the board of the bank and Centra Financial Holdings Company. In 2005, as governor, Manchin began switching some of the states bank accounts over to Centra. Puskar is alleged to have aided Manchin in creating a significant personal portfolio of investments through Centra. (story link below)
In 1992, he also hired Manchins daughter Heather Bresch, to work at Mylan Pharmaceuticals. She became president of the company in 2009 after positions as vice-president and CEO. But, in 2007, a national media frenzy occurred when it was exposed she had falsified facts stating she had an MBA from WVU. Manchin quickly distanced himself from Puskar and claimed he knew nothing of his daughters fabricated MBA, or direct involvement with Centra Bank. (Graph below details connections)
Mike Puskar & Mylan Pharmaceuticals were Manchins single largest financial backer for his bid to become governor.
Manchin also disowned another longtime friend, and now dethroned president of WVU, Mike Garrison. It was Garrison who ended up the fall guy for Breschs fabricated MBA degree and other problems that had befallen the universities image. Ironically, it was then governor Manchin who appointed him as the schools president, which drew criticism from the media and general public for the appointment because he had no qualifications or experience for the position.
Garrisons also served on Manchins 2005 transition steering committee. He was a registered lobbyist for Centra Bank, Mike Puskar, Mylan Pharmaceuticals and a close friend of Heather Bresch. When the facts emerged about her falsified degree, Manchin distanced himself from Garrison and suggested he resign as president of WVU.
The next friend to reportedly feel Manchins cold shoulder was Brian Kastik, former WV Director of Public Policy and Federal Affairs. Kastik says he enjoyed every minute he spent working for Manchin; which began in 2003 when he headed up his first bid for governor. This author recently spoke directly to Kastik who says he only left because, "I just wanted to get out of politics." And, "it was time." There were no improprietes by Manchin or staff that he had personal knowledge of. Kastik currently has his own business in the private sector and doesnt miss the political arena.
According to one source we spoke to, Kastik abruptly stepped down and resigned in 2006 after allegations of campaign financial improprieties against Manchin came to light. In fact, this is the time period that feds are now investigating in 2010.
. .
Senator Manchin is already drawing concerns in the DC arena of his true intentions to fully support the state of West Virginia and its residents. National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Communications Director Brian Walsh recently stated... “Joe Manchin promised to put his state first while hunting for votes in West Virginia, but just a week after the election, it’s clear that he’ll do the exact opposite in Washington. We look forward to hearing Joe Manchin explain how backing an anti-coal, pro-stimulus, and pro-ObamaCare liberal like Harry Reid is ‘putting West Virginia first."
In Closing….

It wasn’t that long ago that he was being considered as VP running mate with Hillary Clinton.
One could also speculate that Manchin passed over Larry Puccio as chief of staff and picked Chris Kofinis because he has worked with presidential and gubernatorial campaigns in the past?
End Of Story….
Jack Swint-Publisher
WV News
(304) 319-4011
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Garrisons Connections
Puccio Press Release By WV-GOP
Story On Puccio & York . 10/09/2008
Story On Centra Bank . . 8/24/2008
Just Your Average Joe
Manchin Leadership Still Receives Failing Grades
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